Friday, April 24, 2009

The BIG 30!!!!!

That's right my sweetheart turns 30 today!!! I tease him because he is just starting to get a few grays in his hair. He blames it on me, I blame it on the kids and his age!! Anywho, I just want to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love him so much!! He does so much for us, we really are lucky to have him. So I thought I would tell you 5 random things about him!!

1- He has recently taken up fourwheeling and snowmachines. Now when I say taken up I mean thats basically all he does on the weekends. He goes to auctions to find some to fix up and make money (thanks Nick). And he rides all the time!!

2- He is not a Mr. Fixit he tries to be but he still has to get lots of help. He is getting alot better as of lately!!

3- He loves to play video games but has given up alot of the time to be with his kids.

4- He loves ALL sports!! Mostly watching (because he's getting old) but he can tell you about anything you want to know. He is a great bowler and has many high scores in the "Bowling Hall of Fame"!! I hope to one day go and see them in person!!

5- He would do anything for me or his kids. He usually puts up a big fight, but almost always gives in. Thanks honey we love you so much!! Thanks for putting up with us and our wild ways!!


Shamae (Ghost written by Loren her hubby) said...

Oh what a sweet post!! Loren will be 30 this year too and he is sprouting some gray hairs too. Loren says the more gray = the more wisdom. lol Happy birthday Quentin!!

Laura G said...

WOW, he's older than me. You'll have to rub that in for me! Tell him happy birthday! Hope you all are well.

Denise said...

How many bowling balls does Quentin have now? When I bowled with him he had six...Oh well the more the balls the better the bowling score right? LOL Happy Birthday Quentin!

The Nelsons said...

Hey Tara! Cute family pictures!
We need to clean up our garage pretty bad don't we! We've had that stroller for about three years. People always think we are missing a twin.
Tell Quentin happy birthday! Anton's getting a couple of grays too. He's not too picky about the color as long as there is some hair to go gray.
so glad you left a comment. It's fun to see your blog!