Friday, February 1, 2008

Still retarded!!!

Ahhh!!! So I'm still dumb I can't figure out how to have friends and stuff like that I guess I'm going to have to get in touch with good old Beef (Stefanie Collins)!! I thought this would be easy. Oh well I guess I should just stick with what I know.

So Macee says the funniest things to me. Macee told me today that she wants me to have a baby girl in my tummy like Beef and Erika. She also told me that she just wanted me to have 1 so i guess she will be sad when she doesn't get her request. Sorry Moo Moo!! Can I just tell you how amazing being a mom is. I secretly love when Race is crying when Quentin is holding him and then as soon as he gives him to me he stops. It's probably because I am the one that smells like sour milk oh well. Well I have been trying to clean (Beef don't laugh) so I better get to it while I feel like it!!

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