Thursday, September 9, 2010


Macee graduated from preschool in May and I'm finally putting up pictures I know!! ahh life gets busy. So I decided that since she is gone today and had her first day at Kindergarten I would post about one door closing and another one opening. Macee loves school so much and I hope it keeps up, though if history repeats itself she will maybe be there for social reasons only like her mom and dad!! hahahah oops!! Macee loved going to preschool, but she was excited to ride the bus and go to Kindergarten with the older kids. She even gets to ride the bus with one of her best friends that is is first grade!! What a lucky girl. She is in full day 2 days one week and 3 full days the next. She has been so excited about her skinny jeans she can barely handle herself she even has new black boots to wear with them. She has quite a few kids from our neighborhood in her class so I'm sure she'll do just fine with out mom and Race all day. Although I'm not sure race and mom will do so well. It has been a long day already!! grr Oh well I'm going to try to get Race into storytime at the library so that should be quite fun!! Well feels like fall is right around the corner and I'm sooooo Happy about that!! Yay here's to kindergarten and hoping it goes smooth!!

1 comment:

Laura G said...

I can't believe she's in kindergarten. Crazy. We did the same schedule of kindergarten last year. It was interesting. Can't wait to get together cuz we NEED to. lol.